Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Botham Family at Annapolis California 1962

In 1961 and 1962, Harry and Shirley and their family spent Spring Break (then we called it Easter Vacation) with Bill and Lee Larson and their family at Auntie Ellen’s ranch in Annapolis California. Pictured from left to right starting at the rear are Bill Larson, Lee Larson, Auntie Ellen Ingman, Harry and Shirley Botham with Marty Botham in front of Harry; then seated in front are Gus Larson and Alma Larson (Bill’s parents), Arlene Botham, Ron Larson and Les Botham. Ellen Ingman is Bill Larson’s aunt, the sister of his mother, Alma Larson. Both Ellen and Alma immigrated to the USA in 1919 from Sweden, through Ellis Island, bound for Annapolis, California, a remote area of California located in the redwood country of Sonoma County. This photo taken by Bill (Larry) Larson, Bill and Lee’s son.